In this digital age, the internet is very influential on life. With the existence of Internet technology, now people are getting rich in information. Many benefits of internet especially in the field of Communication and Information. To expand, the internet is also useful for business, politics, economy, and socializing. There are many means from the internet to know an information. For example e-mail, e-learning, e-business, e-book, e-library, and much more.

The whole world now really needs internet network in everyday life, let alone all business sector, economic, social and interaction seemed to be extinct without existence of internet network. One of the gigantic projects that provide internet network is Moya Networks. By 2018, Moya Networks aims to make Africa Beach to Europe Submarine (ACE) fully functional by providing affordable internet services to millions of people, including rural Africans.

Why Africa? Since the African Continent is the third largest continent in the world after Asia and America, the second densest population after Asia. With an area of ​​30,244,050 km including adjacent islands, Africa accounts for 20.3% of the Earth's total land area. With such a population you can imagine how much potential the development of technology, industry and business in Africa.

The low data penetration rate in Africa clearly shows the pent up demand for broadband internet connections. Africa's requirements for affordable broadband connections have exploded over the past decade. Applications like Facebook, Skype and Mobile Money have fueled the rapidly increasing demand for customer data in Africa.

Moya will use a regulatory license issued by the governments of South Africa and Mozambique to distribute and sell undersea ACE capacity in southern Africa. The main advantage of this arrangement is that Moya has acquired the same capacity right with ACE members without direct investment in ACE cable $ 640 million. Moya connects the capabilities of ACE in South Africa (ACE landing point) and distributes it to South Africa through its Backhaul network from Broadband Infraco (BBI). Moya offers world-class Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ("SDH") and Internet Protocol (IP) networking services designed to meet the needs of various African Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and international operators.

Moyanetwork will fund Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) coastal cable network, ACE will start their project next year in south africa, we will connect broadband data capacity to ISP Africa, government and business. Moya will use a regulatory license issued by the governments of South Africa and Mozambique to distribute and sell undersea ACE capacity in southern Africa.

The Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) undersea cable was installed in 2009 to build a 17,000 km submarine cable from Europe to South Africa. In 2012 ACE completed three of its four planned segments when French relations with Sao Tome and Principe began with its activities. Since 2012, ACE, led by Orange France, has raised funds to finalize the last segment and built it into a country with the largest economy in South Africa.

The ACE underwater cable will be fully operational in South Africa in early 2018. Moya has contractually gained the capacity to distribute and sell ACE capacity in southern Africa from members of the ACE consortium. Moya will acquire Tier 1 capabilities and will sell capacity to ISP, business and government clients in South Africa under the terms of its contract.

Moya has a proven track record of developing new partnership opportunities and also adds value to its partner business. Founder Moya is experienced as a professional ICT Pan Africa, experienced in developing and managing ICT companies that deliver enhanced results while supporting Continental development. Providing services for more than nine years, serving the data communications needs of operators, mobile companies, marketing operators and government clients across Africa, Moya is partnering with existing Telecommunications Companies and Telecommunication Companies, bringing substantial experience to implement telecommunications services in Africa.

Technology Support

The Core Network Operations Center (NOC) will be located in Johannesburg, South Africa. Cape Town will host a small technical office located near the ACE cable landing station. 24/7 support will be provided through NOC to overcome technical difficulties that broadband internet customers may encounter.

Moya's achievements for its Partners include developing systems and procedures to provide access to WAC Marine Cable Capacity through its partnership with Broadband Infraco in West and South Africa. Develop systems and procedures to provide access to Africa Coast to Europe Submarine Cable System in West Africa. Moya will provide access to ACE Submarine Cable Capacity through partnership with ACE members in South Africa.

Services Moya Networks
Moya will offer world-class Synchronous Digital Hierarchy network ("SDH") and Internet Protocol ("IP") networking services designed to meet the needs of ISP providers, international operators, content providers, medium, large and multinational and government.

There is a lot of potential for IT and really take advantage of it and start thinking about it in Africa, but it all starts with the internet and sometimes I have to provide it. It takes expertise and industry connections to be able to lay high-capacity fiber optic cables in the depths of the ocean, using highly skilled submarines and pro installations. At Moya Network, we have a contract that matches the benefits of the deal. We will provide what the Africans are asking for, by raising funds to acquire materials and doing the work necessary to get Africa online at a higher rate for a reasonable price.

Moya's wholesale prices will be competitive and affordable for small, medium and large telecommunication companies, Government and businesses that allow broadband connections at previously unseen speeds. Prices will vary according to capacity, length of contract, service level, portability, restoration and protection requirements.

Moya will position the right products and differentiate them through price / performance and services to compete well against other products in their respective market segments. This will enable affordable high-speed international connectivity to meet the growing voice, Internet and data needs within Moya's footprint.

Token Sale
Start date: 15 Nov 2017 12:00 GMT
End date: December 15, 2017 12:00 GMT
Hat distribution: 100 million MTK
Currency received: BTC, ETH
Token exchange rate: 0.0625 BTC / 1 ETH = 1,000 MTK
Number of tokens per person: unlimited
Minimum transaction amount: 0.0625 BTC / 1 ETH
Maximum transaction amount: unlimited.
Moya Token (MTK) will fund the purchase of ACE submarine cable capacity, terrestrial fiber capacity and Moya operation. Ownership of Moya Token will grant the right holder the right to receive 20% of Moya's profits annually, in proportion to the number of tokens owned.

Moya is trying to raise 6,000 BTC to buy the capacity of submarine cable systems from Coast Africa to Europe (ACE). Moya sells Moya tokens (MTK) for 4 weeks to the Cryptocurrency community. Moya Token is issued on the Ethereal platform.

Pre-sales: 30% bonus
Week bonus 1: 20%
Bonus week 2: 15%
3rd week bonus: 10%
Week 4: 0% bonus
Let's watch a great video about Moya Network.

For more information you can visit the link below:



MEW: 0x7efFF5Dd57485721299cb4b79D8AE45993FDa6cE


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