PokerSports Platform

Using the PokerSports Platform, users throughout the world have the opportunity to utilize a remarkable decentralized cryptographic currency, ‘XPST’, PokerSports Token, to play every single accessible games, making for snappy and easy transactions under a trustless framework. The team is absolutely amazing and they have been working on PokerSports as a whole for sometimes now. I have tracked the records of various members of the team and I can say that they are incredibly professional.
I personally have done a lot of digging on PokerSports and I am yet to find any major red flag that would make me give up on investing in their ICO. Knowing how much the core members of the team have sacrificed to build everything from the ground up gives me more hope about the company as a whole.
 PokerSports group, completely, every one of its representatives work for the advantage of the organization and are constantly prepared to help in any matter. If there are any doubts or questions, you can always contact support — technical support is ready to help at any time. They are dependably in touch and don’t dismiss any issue. For sure, at the present moment when we are discussing ICO ventures this reality is very critical.
 All models made by the PokerSports advancement group are freely accessible, at the present time you can acclimate yourself with and experiment with this platform.
 PokerSports takes an interest in each conceivable crypto, blocking gatherings, and finish up genuine contracts.
Let’s talk about their product and what kind of Solutions they provide.
As earlier said, PokerSports is a gaming company that offers various diverse fantasy sports games that require skill, information and social teamwork. Through the mix of the iGaming and eSports markets, PokerSports hopes to modernize the way fantasy sports are played today.
PokerSports is the first company to successfully combine the fantasy sports market with 60 million potential users, the iGaming market and the eSports market. With the combination of one or more iGaming platforms, it has the potential to create a highly competitive and strategic social environment.
PokerSports’ aims to be the world’s most rated in the operation of a centralized platform where all fantasy sports fans can play a large variety of games that feature all major sports. Furthermore, with the creation of Competitive Fantasy Sports (CFS), the first-ever eSports league made specifically for fantasy sports, Pokersports finds ways to make fantasy sports more than just a game.
Pokersports Platform.
PokerSports is considered the casino of fantasy sports. With the intension to create more than 20 integrated fantasy sports platforms. XPST is one of the first game token based on the Ethereum filter and users will be able to purchase XPST, which can then be used to enter contests in any PokerSports game. PokerSports has the lowest rate of rake in Fantasy Sports — 4%. XPST eliminates a high transfer fee that allows users to win more.

The platform features

Fantasy STUD
FantasyStud takes fantasy sports games to a whole new level with the dynamic PX scoring system. To start, you are dealt seven player cards face down at a poker table. The cards are then flipped over one by one in between betting rounds to reveal your fantasy team for the week. You can build strategic point multipliers by swapping and trading for cards of players on the same team. When trading and swapping is complete, your fantasy team will compete and score fantasy points. The user with the highest-scoring team will win the pot at the table. FantasyStud is highly competitive and strategic. We believed that people would enjoy watching the best FantasyStud players compete, which led to the creation of The CFS.
Fantasy Legends
Fantasy Legends will be the first ever Fantasy Sports collectible card game. It is a fast-paced medieval themed battle deck game. This in-depth card game was designed to emulate games like Magic and Hearthstone in the Fantasy Sports world. Users can purchase in-game player card packs to build their deck. They can then select the player cards they wish to be in their battle deck. With the strategic use of different players, power-ups and speciality cards, users will take turns playing cards that ultimately create their fantasy sports team for that specific head-to-head contest. Fantasy Legends was created for fantasy sports users who wanted the ultimate strategic game made possible through the integration of another iGaming idea.
Bust was created for the fantasy sports user who says they have “no time.” Bust combines the popular casino game Blackjack with Fantasy Sports. The objective of the game is to get the closest fantasy score to a predefined number with cards that are dealt to the user using blackjack terminology. Bust is a passive game which means users can play on their own time without other users. This allows users to create a Fantasy Sports team in just a few seconds. It also limits the amount of players they have to follow to just three-to-five. Users can instantly enter their teams into small or large contests. The fantasy score closest to the predefined number will win XPST based on the contest size and how much was wagered.
Why blockchain?
A blockchain is a special type of data structure (ie a database), in which the data is set out and built up in successive blocks. Each of the blocks of data includes a small piece of data that verifies the content of the previous block. As a result, if an attempt is made to modify an earlier block in the chain, all of the later blocks cease to match up. Imagine that the database looks like a tower of Lego pieces which follow a particular sequence red-green-green-blue-yellow-red. If a change is made to the second block, the rest of the sequence upwards from the second block will change and become, say, red-black-brown-orange-purple-pink. The system that maintains the blockchain will be able to detect and reject the attempted modification, and this is what makes the blockchain tamper-proof, in other word, secured.
Blockchain technology is used in PokerSports business processes which makes impossible to substitute or lose financial data. XPST is an ERC-20 Token created by Ethereum blockchain. Cards can be transferred and traded for other types of crypto.
 Using Smart contracts makes PokerSports a reliable and impartial guarantor of fulfilling obligations to users of the system.
ICO and Cryptocurrency
ICO is crowdfunding via use of cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup or existing companies. In an ICO a percentage of the newly issued cryptocurrency is sold to investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
Why you should invest on Early Stage
Early stage and existing companies might worth extremely low and have huge potential to fast-growing. Smart startup companies today can scale up hundreds of time faster than they could just a few years back. There’s never been better time to invest. This opportunity now available not only for venture capital or institutional investors, but for retail investors and for you too.
XPST Tokens.
XPST Tokens is a valuable digital asset, an ERC-20 Token created by Ethereum blockchain, which will be used on Pokersports platform. With the help of ICO Pokersports plans to attract the investment resources at a wide range. As suppose, the token sale will be interesting for the owners of digital assets, who would like to transfer them into the more secured investment tool and not to tremble anytime they hear the news about the possible Bitcoin rate falling.
All tasks on Pokersports Platform are executed utilizing XPST Tokens. This is the platform’s local token. Pokersports Network needs its own particular token in order to stay away from over-utilized Ethereum arrange. XPST is a decentralized currency that users can use to play all of the unique Fantasy Sports contests with extremely low service fees and instantaneous transfer of winnings.
PokerSports users will be able to transfer XPST to other digit wallets outside of PokerSports. XPST can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.
In other to participate in the ICO, follow these steps below:
  • Purchase the tokens: XPST will issue a number of tokens during the ICO.
  • Receive dividend payments: As a token holder, you have the right to receive payments equivalent to shareholder dividends.
  • Convert your tokens into shares: As a token holder, you also have the right to convert your tokens into Ordinary Shares
ICO Details
Token: XPST
PreICO Price: 1 ETH = 15000 XPST
Price: 1 ETH = 10000 XPST
Bonus: Available
Bounty: Available
Platform: Ethereum
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 600 ETH
Hard cap: 20000 ETH
Country: USA
Whitelist/KYC: KYC
For more info:
Eth: 0x3366990fc9Fc021938E7E7a1fbB0c669D27ba49e


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