[ICO] EtherJack.io - Full Transparent Jackpot Game

Players compete for the jackpot by placing small bids in sequence. Certain duration of waiting time is allocated after each bid: if there is another person's offer during the duration, the clock will restart. Players must place bids constantly because otherwise the other person wins. ICO investors will benefit from a large and increasing offer.

EtherJack Info

Token: JACK
Price 1 JACK = 0.004 ET
Bonus: Available
Bounty: Available
Platform: Ethereal
Accept: ETH
Soft cap: 333 ETH
Hard Cap: 333 ETH
Country: Lithuania
Whitelist / KYC: None

About EtherJack.io
EtherJack is a jackpot game, based in the Ethereal blockchain.

The rules are simple: there's a big jackpot, and people bid to claim it, within the allowed time after the last offer. If no bids are coming, the last one claimed to get them. If the bid keeps coming, the jackpot grows further.

The game is 100% transparent and fair (thanks to the Smart Ethereal Contract), and it all depends on the participants, not on the devs.

We announce the commencement of the ICO game stage. This is the stage when the jackpot is formed, and the JACK tokens (read further below) are distributed at a price much lower than in the game phase. The collected jackpot will attract players to place bids, and the JACK you get will help you get a discounted offer. This game will also automatically sell your JACK to new players at higher prices if you wish.

This ICO is about selling shares in a great one-time jackpot game. The house always wins, so why not be home?

What is the game?

After the ICO phase is over, the jackpot will have at least 333 ETH in it, and the game will start.

Players will place bids (starting with 0.01 ETH). Each bid claims the jackpot and starts the countdown timer. If no one else is bidding before the timer runs out, the player to make the final bid gets the entire jackpot. This of course will happen easily, because other people will want to bid another and claim the jackpot for their own instead, at the last moment. Other people will bid to not let second people win it, and so on.

The more placed bids, the shorter the countdown timer (3 hours to 5 minutes), and the higher the offer price (0.01 ETH to 0.1 ET to 0.5 ETH and higher without limit).

Check EtherJack.io to see simulations of running games, and read the illustrated version of the game.

This game is implemented as a smart contract with published source code. JACK token source code is also published.

Both the developer and the Croupier bot (the off-game chain component) can affect the course of the game in any way other than available to others, it can be verified in the contract code. More details about the role of developer and Croupier can be found on white paper.

EtherJack.io is a combination of good time games, patience, luck, and investment. Each participant has a very real chance to win a big piece of Ether. Proven mathematically

What is for sale?

During the ICO game phase, Jackpot contracts sell JACK tokens (special toy ERC20 used in game mechanics) at discounted prices until there are at least 333 ETs in the jackpot.

The JACK token price during ICO starts at 0.004 ETH per JACK, and will reach 0.006 ETH at the end of the ICO. At the beginning of the game, the price will jump to 0.01 ETH per JACK and continue to grow as more bids are made in the game.

The price of JACK is determined by the rules of the game (smart contract), and the way the game is designed guarantees JACK is worth at least a nominal price at any time. You can read more about it and why so, on white paper.
The power of JACK

JACK has three roles in the game, and that's three ways you can get as a JACK holder.

Role 1: JACK bid.
At any time, someone can bid for a JACK and not an ETH amount to claim the jackpot. This is particularly useful when the offer price reaches too high a level. If not everyone can afford the offer price to claim the jackpot, JACK holders can still offer only 1 JACK.

JACK token offerings permanently burn them, reducing the total supply and thus increasing its value even more.

Role 2: Take a shortcut.
JACK holders can deposit their JACK with a Croupier bot and get a discount (17.5%) of every bid made in the game and a discount (35%) of each new JACK token sold during the game phase. Pieces are divided between all deposits that are proportional to the amount of JACK deposited. JACK Deposit can be pulled back to your wallet at any time. The balance of the deposit is stored in blockchain.

Role 3: Resell.
Because the price of JACK grows along with the offer price, one can benefit from initial (cheap) and late sales.

Moreover, this game can sell your JACK automatically. Make a command to the Croupier bot, and this will return your JACK, and you will get 100% selling price every time your token is sold to a new player.

Of course you can also sell JACK directly, all wallets support it as a token, as it complies with ERC20 standard.

JACK Holders' panel at EtherJack.io allows you to monitor your deposits and revenue in real time, and give commands to the Croupier bot.
So what is the price of JACK again?

It starts with .004 ETH per JACK, and gradually reaches 0.006 ETH at 40,000 JACKs sold out. Purchasing a minimum of 200 JACK in a single transaction gives volume discounts ranging from 5% to 25%.

You can check the current JACK price and use the volume discount calculator in EtherJack.io (scroll to the bottom for the calculator).

When does the ICO end?

Having 333 ETH in the jackpot will start a 48 hour countdown timer. After the countdown ends, ICO will end, and the game will start.

If you subscribe to AirDrop on the website, we will send a 12 hour warning before the game begins, and when the game begins.

You can also subscribe to notifications about game status changes (works in Chrome, Firefox, and many others, including mobile, but does not work in Safari including iOS Safari).
Price jack

During ICO the price starts with 0.004 ETH per JACK. After 10,000 tokens are sold, the price will change by 0.005 ETH, and then gradually reach 0.006 ETH.

As soon as the game starts, the price will be 0.01 ETH and will grow by 0.006 ETH with every 100 bids placed.

After 1000 offers (which is no more than 35 days from start of game) JACK will cost 0.07 ETH, and after 5000 bids (67 days from initial max) 0.31 ETH, and so on.

JACK holders can start selling JACK to new buyers via smart game contracts from the beginning. Alternatively, they can start getting a rebate from any bid made in the game, or both, or the first deposit, and then when the price has grown, sell it.

Map of Jalam / Road Map

Sep 2017
Begin development.

Dec 2017
Security and audit tests

Jan 2018
Demo mode launched on game site

Jan 2018
Kickstart-ICO begins. The goal is to collect 333 ETs to form a jackpot

March 2018
ICO is over and game starts

April 2018
1,000 offers made
1 JACK = 0.07 ETH

Jun 2018
5,000 offers made
1 JACK = 0.31 ETH

Sep 2017
No one can say how far can go.

Promotion Plan

Whether the interests of both ICO investors and developers to have as many offers as possible, and as much as possible Token JACK sold during the game phase. Therefore, the task of the creator to attract as many people as possible into the game. Funds that are divided into ICO shares and also division will run for the acquisition of new players.

The main marketing instructions are:

Bounty program in forum. 2.5% JACK that can be used for this purpose. The bounty program description is available at https://etherjack.io
Ads stored on common purpose platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Google AdWords.
Paid ads in Cryptocurrency, ICO, and Ethereal portal.
For more information about EtherJack please visit the following links:



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