[ICO] IQeon.io

IQeon is a decentralized PvP gaming platform, which allows players to earn real money (fiat) for their achievements. IQeon is an infrastructure that allows integration of games, applications and services based on intelligent competition among users, as well as applications and services for motivation.

About IQeon
IQeon is the first platform where players can earn money thanks to their intelligence and achievements. IQeon token (IQN) issued based on Ethereal blockchain. IQeon token (IQN) can be freely exchanged on the existing crypto exchange, or transferred to banknotes on the card.

Project objectives:
IQeon platform development even further;
creation of the IQeon ecosystem; the formation of audiences of the application platforms and games users involved;
forming partnerships with game developers and game content for platforms;
development of the right Clash IQ line of games based on the platform.

The advantages of the platform for investors

Games and applications for self-development show rapid growth, and
IQeon platform is the first solution in this field that lets players receive
income in the form of crypto liquid currency.
Partnership system developed, third-party developer involvement in
the IQeon ecosystem and the expansion of its own product line will generate growth
among users and increased demand for IQeon tokens.
This fact should ensure the growth of the IQeon token value, which can be
bought at the lowest price during the Crowdsale period.

Technical Info
IQeon API Provides a set of methods and interfaces for the interaction of all platform elements.

IQeon blockchain control subsystem. Implement services on interaction with
Block Ethereal. IQN to block, distribute, and interact
with smart contracts.

IQeon web app This is a platform portal. It contains information section (description of platform,
blogs, documentation) and personal accounts of users and developers.
Users can, through their personal accounts, connect apps to their accounts, make purchases,
transfers, IQN exchange for crypto-currency and banknotes available to the card.
Developers can get API keys for their apps, register new apps on the platform, view
statistics for accrual of remuneration, and exchange IQN for currency available through
their personal accounts.
In addition, the personal account service replicates the IQeon wallet application to a web service.

IQeon Wallet Is an app (iOS, Android), which allows users to issue card debit cards
MasterCard after verifying and IQN exchange for fiat money (and vice versa).

IQeon SDK Is a creative tool developed to expand new games and applications based on
scenarios and game mechanisms.

IQ Clash API. It is a set of methods and interfaces for agile development and game integration
and apps based on game room scenarios into the platform.
Existing games & services. Existing games and applications thanks to the API can be integrated
into the IQeon platform. This will allow existing games to take full advantage of the platform and use
IQeon token in gameplay.

Ethereum wallet & digital currency exchange. IQeon Token complies with ERC20 standard.
This means originally compatible with etereum wallets and can be freely transferred from
one address to another. In addition, this standard provides generic and technical tokens
compatibility for further addition to crypto exchange exchange and to exchange on
online cryptocurrency service.

IQeon Token
IQeon is not just a platform, but a whole ecosystem, including app and content developers, platform partners and millions of users. The internal economy of the ecosystem can not exist without its own currency, whose role will be performed by IQeon (IQN) tokens.
Information on token release:
Standard: ERC20
Name: IQeon Token
Symbol: IQN
Total: 10,000,000

Total token emissions will be distributed as follows:
5% - Pre-Sale Token;
65% - General sales;
12% - Project team;
10% - Bonus Fund;
6% - Partners and consultants;
2% - Bounty.

Sales token
Pre-Sale (PreICO)

Start time: December 16, 2017
End: December 25, 2017
Received Eyes: ETH, BTC
number of tokens for sale: 500,000 IQN
just change the sign: 1 ETH = 700 IQEON
minimum number of transactions: 3 ETH
General sales (ICO)

Starts: January 30, 2018
Expires: March 13, 2018
Currency received: ETH, BTC, LTC
Maximum collection amount: 20,000 ETH
Number of tokens sold: 6,500,000 IQN
Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 325 IQEON
Min. Number of transactions: 0.1 ETH
Max. Number of transactions: unlimited


Interesting fund distribution


Q3 2016 - The origin of the IQeon platform idea. Development of concepts and business plans.
Q4 2016 - Explanation of IQeon platform legal model in various jurisdictions. Attractive investment of $ 50,000. Development of game process mechanism.
Q1 2017 - The attraction of investment. IQ Clash OU company registration. Team building
Q2 2017 - The appeal of consultants. Development of IQeon prototype platform. Technical audit IQ Clash pilot application development for future platforms.
Q3 2017 - Development of partnership model in the IQeon ecosystem. Partner search. Agreement with partner banks. Development of IQ Clash API. Start platform development. Start the establishment of ecosystem (more than 30 partners).
Q4 2017- Preparation for ICO. Smart contract development to release IQN tokens. Doing preICO and ICO. Continue platform development. Continuation of ecosystem establishment (more than 100 partners).
Q1 2018 - Development of IQeon API. IQeon web application development. Test interactions between IQeon API and IQ Clash API. Development of new IQ Clash applications. List the IQN token on the crypto exchange exchange. Start a marketing campaign to attract end users.
Q2 2018 - Development of IQeon blockchain control subsystem. IQeon API integration with partner apps The beta release of the platform. Begin development of IQeon wallet.
Q3 2018- Platform release and IQeon wallet. MasterCard debit card issue. Continuity of an active marketing campaign to attract end users.
Q4 2018 - Further development of ecosystems (2000+ partners, 45+ IQ Clash applications, 2.5 million active users). Development of IQeon SDK.
Q1 2019 - Release of IQeon SDK. Development of additional game mechanics. Engage partners to develop new apps based on the SDK.
Q2 2019 - Implementation of AI technology in IQeon API and IQeon SDK. The addition of new game mechanics list using AI.
Q3 2019 - Development of game mechanics using AR / VR technology. Integration with IQeon API app for PS, Xbox, etc.
Q4 2019+ - Further IQeon ecosystem development (10,000 partners, 150 IQ Clash apps, 15,000,000 active users).

For more info you can visit the link below:


MyEth: 0x7efFF5Dd57485721299cb4b79D8AE45993FDa6cE


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